Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dalton Sherman

Please view and post comments


Theresa said...

This is a great video. It really makes you think! I teach 5th grade and can't beieve this is a 5th grader! It makes me want to be all I can be to these kids!

Heidi said...

This video is very inspiring. I can't believe how a 5th grader can be such an inspiration to adults. It makes you truly think, as an educator, how and what you do to shape the lives of the future.

Jen Con said...

What a GREAT video. I admire anyone who can get up and entertain an audience, and a 5th grader, he was fantastic. Sometimes we forget how much we do for our students, it isn't all about teaching our "subject". This young man tells it like it is. We need to stay in there and do our best, because the students need us more than we know. Personally I spend a lot of time with my students outside of the classroom. I attend sporting and drama events. We have very little extra curricular activities, so when they are involved I make sure to attend. I also follow their activities when they graduate to the high school. They are always amazed and grateful to see someone who is there to watch and support them, someone who doesn't have to be there BUT wants to be there.