Sunday, December 14, 2008

Teaching With Humor That HealsQuotes From Page 153"Is it possible that a portion of our current discipline problems stems from a serious, heavily regulated approach to the learning process?"
"When a classroom is a lively , creative environment where laughter abounds, students of every age have a natural outlet where their curious minds can flourish. In our experience, a laughing classroom evokes delightful forms of play in the learner, while a tight-reigned classroom evokes devious forms of play (a blend of creativity mixed with rebellion)."
Page 155 The Up-Tight Test--See How You Do
Please Reply To the Following Question:
What is the greatest gift you can give your students?


Heidi said...

After taking the Up-Tight-Test, I scored in the area of an Acrobatic teacher. After taking the test I wondered if I would get the same results if someone else took the test answering the questions that were geared towards my personal performance. I sometimes wonder if I see myself as being better than I really am. I might just reword this test and hand it to someone that I work with so they can answer the questions about me. It would be interesting to see the results.
The greatest gift I think I could personally give my students is the passion that I personally have for learning and the importance of creating a community, while establishing tolerance for the world no matter what the disability or obstacle. I think it's important to view each child as a precious gift that is unique in its own way. Sometimes it takes a little unwrapping to find what makes that gift special.

Theresa said...

I guess I am not uptight! I tested as an Acrobatic. I was happy with my score, but there were a couple questions that made me think. I hope I do not hold a grudge when a student misbehaves. I feel like I give them a clean slate, but I hope that the student knows that! I have always believed in catching kids doing the right thing and I've been told that is why my classroom is inviting. I am always amazed how handing out tickets to students on task causes all off-task students to get back to work!
I think the greatest thing I can offer my students is to understand them each as individuals. I have realized over the past two years that it really does make a difference to know your students. There are so many ways to have personal private discussions with each student. This allows me to know them and for them to know me. A trust develops and that trust is so important! I hope to get better at this each year I teach. The first year is a blur and I feel like I missed so much that year. I don't want to feel that way about any other class.

Jen Con said...

This section really reminded me why I have spent so much time and energy on humor in my classroom. Humor is absolutely essential for student learning in my opinion. There are so many students that tell me that they wish they could stay in my classroom all day. They have so much fun. I always ask if they did any learning while they were having fun. And the answer is always, "Yes".

It isn't always easy to be "fun". Some days I am tired, some days I have a headache, some days the material is very difficult to incorporate laughter, BUT if I just make the extra effort it is always worth it.

The greatest gift I can give my students is my love of life in general. That love spills into the classroom and the students can't help but feel it. It has taken me a long time to understand that life is meant to be lived to the fullest. I try not to dwell on the past that I can not change but live for the moment and be happy with who I am and where I am right now.

After taking the Up-Tightrope Test I have discovered that I am an Acrobatic teacher. I was not surprised. I work hard everyday to make the day be the best it can be for me, my students, and my fellow teachers. I hope I am making a difference in somebody's life.