Thursday, November 20, 2008

After reading the articles Fun and the Immune System and Lighten Up please reflect on your thoughts and feelings. (These articles were emailed to you as an attachment)

The following questions were created to be thought provoking:
( you do not have to answer them all but they may aid you in your responses/reflections)

1) What were some of the AHA's that you encountered? (if any)

2) How can you utilize this information in your own personal life?

3) How can this information make you a more effective teacher/counselor/parent?

**Click on comments to read and leaveCheck Spelling your personal ideas**


Heidi said...

After reading Fun and the Immune System, I had to chuckle to myself because I have a horrible immune system. My AHA moment came while reading the entire article. I realized that I'm always so serious and need to lighten-up and have more fun. Don't get me wrong, I have a sense of humor, but I need to have more fun. As a parent and a teacher sometimes taking that step back when things are going wrong and trying to find something funny about the situation might be a good strategy to use. This would make me more approachable and have the ability to see the humorous side of situations.

Jen Con said...

After reading the articles I confirmed what I have already discovered, "Laughter is the best medicine." I really believe that. The students are generally amazed when I am laughing with a student I just disciplined in the hallway. Laughter helps keep the students engaged and the day goes by faster. Several of my close "teacher" friends and I have a monthly get together where we talk about our families and play games. We laugh until we are crying and it feels great. We often are playing something that many of us are not good at and it is fun once you let yourself go. We have played Guitar Hero, Wi sysem baseball, tennis, boxing, and bowling, charades, Name that Tune, the list goes on and on.

Heidi said...

After reading Lighten Up I had to relate it to a relative who is always focusing on the negative and has very little laugher in her life. Like the article had mentioned that this could be related to heart issues. I have no history of heart problems in my family but this particular family member has had heart issues... This was a true "food for thought".

Theresa said...

After reading the articles I had to agree with most of what I read. Don't we all enjoy going somewhere when we can laugh and enjoy ourselves. Just as it can make us feel better to go to school and share a laugh or joke with a student or another teacher, I think kids enjoy coming to a classroom where there is humor and laughter. Days where there is nothing to smile about are the days I come home tired and depressed. If we can find things to laugh about, the day becomes much brighter and we in turn feel better mentally and physically.